Hello Hawkwood School Families,
Monday, September 20 - Picture Day (elections also being held in the school's gym)
Thursday, September 23 - Meet the Teacher (virtual - more information to come)
Friday, September 24 - Non-Instruction Day *no school for students
Monday, September 27 - 1st Meeting of the Year for Hawkwood School Council (AGM) and Friends of Hawkwood School Society (virtual at 6:30pm - more information below)
Thursday, September 30 - National Truth & Reconciliation Day *no school for students
Another great resource for important dates in the CBE 2021 - 2022 traditional calendar that Hawkwood School operates from. You can take a look, download it and even print it to post up on your fridge from here >> CBE 2021-2011 Traditional Calendar
Meetings For Families
The volunteer board members of Hawkwood School Council (HSC) and Friends of Hawkwood School Society (FHSS) would like to invite all parents and guardians from our school community to the first meeting of the year on Monday, September 27th starting at 6:30 pm. We will be using Microsoft Teams to connect virtually - simply email us at hawkwoodsc@gmail.com and HSC will send you a meeting invite.
HSC & FHSS is a great way to connect with other families in the school community, get to know school staff members, have a voice in decisions related to your child’s education and make contributions to initiatives that provide resources and experiences for students.
There are some volunteer positions up for grabs on both HSC & FHSS Boards. These include Chair, President, Secretary and Fundraising Director. If you'd like more information, please check out the nomination form and the current Chair, Pia, or out going President, Janelle, will contact you for a meet-and-greet to answer any of your questions.
When we come together the impact is huge! Our school motto reflects this perfectly: Together We Soar!
To see just how much of a difference all of us can make to the educational experience at Hawkwood School, check out this video that shows what the fundraising dollars raised by FHSS brought to our school and its students last year:
Disclaimer: this is the first time I converting a PowerPoint into a video, in the attempt to add some fun music my dog was caught barking in the background - did you hear it? Enjoy the viewing, hope it makes you smile! :)
Acknowledgement: the fun music was sourced from bensound.com